Presbyterian College varsity athletics are founded on the value of team and individual sports as being an integral part of the educational process. Profoundly based on the ideal of being students first and athletes second, varsity participants are granted no special privileges and must meet the academic, admission, and other requirements of the college.
The purpose of Presbyterian College varsity athletics is to provide for those students who desire an opportunity to participate in varsity sports within a wholesome atmosphere, which strives for optimum and spirited performances within the context of good sportsmanship, Christian attitudes, and in compliance with all Federal, State, NCAA, Big South, and College rules and regulations.
The mission of the Presbyterian College Department of Athletics is to serve the College by producing winning teams for all sports and graduating alumni who are: Men and women of character; Proud of their athletic experience and their alma mater; Committed to a lifetime of service to their families and communities thereby becoming productive members of society.