The key to the "Yes, I Can!" Basketball Camp's success is our positive action program called Basketball-Cybernetics. The "Yes, I Can!" basketball camp is a one-of-a-kind camp program proven to bring the mind and body together for peak performance. The program is internationally known and it's about time you discover it, too.
On the first day of camp you will receive an achievement card to monitor your skill improvement. We'll test your shooting ability, quickness, free throws, ball handling and power game skills. Once you learn our methods and see the increased scores and improved game performance, you'll have proof Cybernetics works.
Special Consultant Stan Kellner is a great motivational speaker and relates well to young people. Stan will be at camp for two full days. You'll love what he has to say.
You will find that the "Yes, I Can!" camp is as much of a success camp as it is a basketball camp. A lot of the concepts taught at camp transcend the game of basketball and can be applied to other areas of your life.
It has been said, "In order to have what you have not, you must do what you have not done." So if you haven't reached your basketball potential, give the "Yes, I Can!" basketball camp a try, you won't regret it.