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Cushman School Summer Camp
miami, FL, 33137
Phone: 305.757.1966
Fax: 305.757.1632

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We believe that computers are essential tools supporting in learning and enhancing instruction.

With the use of computers comes a responsibility that must be accepted by all members of our school

community. Our network provides access to shared resources including printing, file storage, email, and

the Internet. By facilitating access to the vast and diverse resources of the Internet, The Cushman

School is represented in the global arena by the users of our network.

Although the Internet provides unique opportunities for learning, materials that have no

educational value, that are inaccurate and offensive, are prolific. While we will emphasize safe and

efficient searching and try to protect our students from such sites, we reserve the right to supervise

computer use on campus. While we have firewalls in place, The Cushman School cannot guarantee that

every objectionable site will be disabled in advance or that every student will be monitored at every

moment. There must be joint accountability and responsibility from all constituencies.

To permit use of The Cushman School Network and the Internet, both you and your student

must agree to the following policy. Please review these pages together. Parents and students will be

asked to indicate that you have read, understand and agree with this policy. The signed "Cushman

School Household Parental Agreements" and the signed "Student Signoff Sheet" must be returned on or

before the first day of the new school year. These student sign-off forms will indicate that you have read

and understand the Cushman School Acceptable Computer Use Policy so that students may access our

network and the folders that have been set up for their use.

Please be aware that breaches of our acceptable computer use policy may result in a loss of

computer privileges, disciplinary proceedings, and/or notifying the appropriate law enforcement agency

at the discretion of the administration.



Camp Type:
Year Established:
Age of Campers:
All ages
$15.00-$35.00/wk (Please contact camp for exact pricing.)
Nearest Large City:


  • General


(Please contact camp directly for updated session schedule.)

Cushman’s Adult Education Program 2009-2010
Session: November 16th-January 14th
(excluding the week of November 23rd)


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