Welcome to another summer of Girl Scout Camp and the amazing experiences that can change
the way a girl – whether she is presently a Girl Scout or not – sees the world and her place in
it. At Girl Scouts of Connecticut, our aim for summer camp is to help girls in grades K-12 learn
the importance of personal responsibility, the value of goal setting, the spirit of teamwork, and
the thrill of accomplishment. Each camp is a place where girls can dream, make friends, and
create treasured memories that will last a lifetime. Camp is an open and nurturing environment
where girls build skills that will serve them all their lives and that will strengthen their courage, confidence, character, and conviction about their own potential and self-worth, so they are better able to make wise decisions and take on life’s challenges with optimism and success.
Through Girl Scout Camp, girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together while developing good communication skills with other girls and with their adult counselors and instructors. Our staff is exceptionally well trained to help girls feel physically and emotionally safe as they try new activities, express their independence, and learn more about themselves and others. Respect for self and others is actively re-enforced, so the camp experience will be a positive one for all involved.
As you read through this brochure with your girl, you’ll see the many different programs and