Challenging kids with the truth of Jesus: whether helping them to start their faith-journey or grow further in it, “Widji” provides a safe environment where campers can
TNT Pictures meet new friends, learn new skills and grow in their walk with Christ. Hundreds of campers each year return home recharged and excited for God.Preparation for the summer of 2010 is coming together. Theme days are being planned and our Camp Pastors are being invited to help you have the best summer camping experience of your life. Our 2010 site updates are almost complete and we trust that you will enjoy looking around our site to learn more about Camp Widjiitiwin.
Camp Widjiitiwin exists to be an ambassador for Christ to children and youth through compelling camp community experiences; focused on demonstrating the gospel message through teaching God’s Word, positive relationships and creative interactions.TNT is a great way to start your camp experience! You will have two great cabin leaders to show you the way and make your week more than amazing, plus great camp food, campfires, chapel and adventure.Come on down! You're the next application to Widji's first week of Blast! The wheel has been spun and now we're calling your name! Join us for rounds of (Cabin) Family Feud and Whose Line is it Anyway? While trying to figure out what is hiding behind door number three. I'll give you a hint: this week, all options lead to CAMP! The Price is Right and the audience is waiting.