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Fairbanks, AK, 99710
Phone: 907-457-6059
Fax: 907-457-1325
Camp Type: Day  Residential 
All Staff and counselors are carefully screened and trained to provide fun, safe and educational activities while watching over your child. ...
Wasilla, AK, 99654
Phone: 907-376-6887
Fax: 907-376-6860
Camp Type: Residential 
LaVerne Griffin Youth Recreation Camp offers several summer camps for kids and conference facilities for churches/community groups year-round. ...
Chugiak, AK, 99567
Phone: 907-688-2734
Camp Type: Residential 
We provide campers with an experience of Christian love in a community which recognizes dependence on God. ...
Rimrock, AK, 86335
Phone: (928) 567-1322
Fax: (928) 567-1323
Camp Type: Day  Residential 
Copper Canyon Academy is a therapeutic boarding school designed by professionals who are experienced working with young women. The administrative staff at CCA is comprised of seasoned veterans in adolescent care. CCA was created out of a love for teenagers and a desire to see them succeed in life. We have created a personalized school that meets the individual needs of each student. We are committed to achieving success with every student who enrolls at CCA and have created the finest program possible to make that happen. ...
Anchorage, AK,
Phone: 406-284-4110
Camp Type: Residential  Travel Tour
Alpengirl offers 2-week overnight summer camps in Alaska to teen girls ages 14-16. Our wilderness adventure camps take place near Anchorage, AK in south central Alaska. ...
Chugiak, AK, 99567
Phone: (907) 688-2593
Camp Type: Day 
Lets face it, Scout camp is an important part of growing up. The memories of fun and fellowship will stay with a person their whole life. The Great Alaska Council believes that every Scout deserves a week at summer camp, and no Scout will miss camp because of a lack of funds. A campership is financial assistance awarded to a Cub Scout or Boy Scout to allow him to attend a summer camp program, either residential or day camp. The deadline for campership application is May 1. ...
Anchorage, AK, 99508
Phone: (907) 561-4625
Camp Type: Day 
AYSC's mission is to provide a comprehensive program for youth soccer players. The Director of Coaching assigns coaches to each team with input from the coaching staff. The Club places coaches based on their qualifications for each team and age group. ...
Cooper Landing, AK, 99572
Phone: 907-279-3551
Fax: 907-278-9829
Camp Type: Day  Residential 
Caring staff with small camper group plans activities in program rich setting. Focus on outdoor living, environmental skills. ...
Palmer, AK, 99645
Phone: (907)746-5133
Camp Type: Residential 
Knik Glacier Adventures - a unique Alaskan adventure awaits. See and experience firsthand this rugged and beautiful land, under the care and guidance of lifelong Alaskan residents. ...
Anchorage, AK, 99508
Phone: (907) 279-3551
Fax: (907) 278-9829
Camp Type: Residential 
Caring staff with small camper group plans activities in prog rich setting.Focus on outdoor living,environmental skills ...
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