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Calgary, , T0C 2M0
Phone: 780-789-2125
Fax: 780-789-2125
Camp Type: Day 
We have a comprehensive equine facility, specializing in the breeding and training of hypo-allergenic North American Curly horses. ...
Olds, , T4H 1P3
Phone: 403-556-2854
Fax: 403-556-6063
Camp Type: Day 
Welcome! Take a look around and check for updates often!

Camp Harmattan exists to provide an excellent Christian camping environment where people can develop spiritually, physically, mentally and socially into fully committed followers of Christ. ...
Bowden, , T0M 0K0
Phone: (403) 224-3700
Camp Type: Residential 
Hey Everyone ," The Camp Little Red Website has been completely overhauled! We're now running on Wordpress... ...
Edmonton, , T6T 3N1
Phone: 780 469-4401, 780-469-3997
Camp Type: Day  Residential 
Sun Camp allows children aged
between 5 and 12 years, provenant
du milieu francophone et du
programme d'immersion from the
Francophone and Immersion
française, de vivre pleinement en
français dans un cadre d'activités
French, to live fully in French in a framework of activities socio-
récréatives. social and recreational. ...
Sylvan Lake, , T4S 1S8
Phone: 403-887-5760
Fax: 403-887-7801
Camp Type: Day  Residential 
We are so excited to unveil our new website as we expand the content and functionality of All of this is possible thanks to a generous donation of time and space made by a former camper! We are thrilled to have such great relationships with past staff and campers, especially many years later. ...
Sherwood Park, , T8G 1E9
Phone: 780-662-2557
Fax: 866-377-2149
Camp Type: Day  Residential 
Hastings Lake Bible Camp is an association of Christians in East Central Alberta.It exists to provide an outdoor setting for Christian education, renewal, and fellowship; so that Christ is made known to all who come. ...
Calgary, , T1Y 5E4
Phone: (403)270-9351
Fax: (403)270-9371
Camp Type: Residential 
Ghost River Rediscovery Society is a non-profit organization that offers outdoor and cultural education programs based on Aboriginal traditions and values. We are recognized for our capacity to run quality programs that promote the rediscovery of tradition and the development of healthy, sustainable lifestyles among children and youth. ...
Rocky Mountain House, , T4T 2A4
Phone: (403) 845-4325
Fax: (403) 844-2826
Camp Type: Day  Residential 
The HeLa Ventures Adventure
Education Centre is dedicated to
providing individuals, groups, and
families with positive and educational outdoor experiences. Our programs are delivered from a holistic perspective and encourage a healthy lifestyle through the incorporation of activities in a safe, respectful manner. ...
Calgary, , T3B 0E8
Phone: 403-202-8490
Fax: 403-202-8492
Camp Type: Residential 
2009! The Rocky Mountain Paddling Centre has been guiding and instructing in the Calgary area for over 16 years. We have built our reputation around the highest quality programs that you can find. Our goal is to "Create an exciting learning experience in a safe and comfortable environment". RMPC's professional staff are a unique group of individuals who have two important qualities. One being their love of paddling, the second, their desire to share their skills and enthusiasm with other paddlers. Our nationally certified staff strive to provide an atmosphere that encourages learning, fun and safety. ...
Calgary, , T2H 1M8
Phone: 1-866-94 GO JFW
Camp Type: Day  Residential 
The "seeds" of Junior Forest Wardens were planted in British Columbia in the late 1920's, when a few young boys reported a forest fire to a local Forest Ranger. Their story was published in the Forests and Outdoors magazine, the official publication of the Canadian Forestry Association. The response to the story was incredible, and boys from across British Columbia contacted the author wondering how they could help their local rangers. ...
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